National American Indian Housing Council

HUD Virtual Training | Board of Commissioners – August 21, 2024 – August 22, 2024

Published: August 15, 2024

Instructor: Cheryl Causley

Location: Virtual via Zoom Meeting

Description: This training is being offered to aid participants who serve as “Housing Board of Commissioners” understand the background & history of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act (NAHASDA) to develop their knowledge of Federal Rules and Regulations that must be adhered to when accepting funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG). 

Participants will learn of the various HUD requirements they will need to ensure their Housing Entity/Program has in place. Their role in providing oversight for a successful Indian Housing Program, and the duties of the Housing Board of Commissioners in this process. The course materials will cover eligible program activities, eligible participants and the required policies and procedures that must be in place and adopted.

This training will explain how to Understand the NAHASDA Statute, the Code of Federal Regulations – Title 24 Part 1000- Native American Housing Activities, Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements and HUD Program Guidances and PIH Notices, and how these required components fit together in order to build your NAHASDA compliant Housing Program.

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