National American Indian Housing Council
Advocating for Tribal Housing
Grassroots Advocacy for Tribal Housing
More than Just a Roof: Advocating for Quality Housing in Tribal Communities
Over 25 years, Tribal housing programs have utilized the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, or NAHASDA, to improve housing opportunities throughout tribal communities. NAHASDA is a critical mechanism for Tribal housing programs to receive funding while providing more control over affordable housing decisions and flexibility to address specific housing needs. Although NAHASDA expired in 2013, Congress still funds its programs each year. Reauthorizing NAHASDA would provide tribal housing programs with greater certainty to provide services and resources for the next decade. Join NAIHC in urging Congress to reauthorize NAHASDA.
NAIHC encourages tribal housing directors, board members, and advocates to meet with their respective Senators and Representatives in Washington, DC, and their home districts. Contact NAIHC when your tribal and program representatives visit Washington, DC, for assistance scheduling meetings with Congressional and federal officials.
Current Tribal Housing Priorities
- Reauthorize NAHASDA
- Makes the THUD-VASH a permanent program
- Streamlines environmental review process
- Provides housing assistance for Native students
- Allows IHS funding to be used for sanitation facilities construction
Reintroduce the following bills:
- The NAHASDA Reauthorization Act
- Extends federal housing assistance programs for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians with revisions to streamline and expand allowable housing activities.
- The Native American Rural Homeownership Improvement Act
- Permanently authorizes Native community development financial institutions (CDFIs) to deploy USDA Section 502 Single Family Home Loan funds to Native Americans.
- The Tribal HUD-VASH Act
- Provides permanent statutory authority for the Tribal HUD-VASH program.
- The Tribal Trust Land Homeownership Act
Modernizes the Bureau of Indian Affairs residential leasing, mortgage approval, and Title Status Report (TSR) processes to enhance access to mortgage capital on trust land.
- The Tribal Rural Housing Access Act
- Sets aside 5% of select RHS program funding for Tribes and TDHEs.
- The Tribal Tax Investment and Reform Act
- Treats Indian tribal governments as states for tax-exempt bond allocations and repeals limitations on their eligibility to issue tax-exempt bonds.
- The Inspiring Nationally Vibrant Economies Sustaining Tribes (INVEST) Act
- Expands access to New Markets Tax Credits to assist Native American communities.
- The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
- Directs state allocation plan selection criteria for Low-income Housing Tax credits to include the housing needs of Native Americans and prioritizes housing developments in Indian Areas.
Join the Monthly Legislative Committee Meeting
Join our Legislative Committee on the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 p.m. ET to learn more about the latest Tribal legislative updates, grant announcements, and other policy and program updates from NAIHC and other partners.
Advocacy Resources
Tribal leaders, housing program directors, board members, and advocates are welcome to use and share NAIHC’s talking points and one-pagers on current legislative and funding priorities.
NAIHC created these documents to help guide future advocacy work and promote tribal housing funding opportunities in each Congressional cycle.
Downloadable Items
Supporting Materials
- Sample Tribal Resolution
- List of Congressional addresses to send support documents
- One-page background on NAHASDA and recent legislative activity
Contact Ryan Edwards at [email protected] for questions or more information.
NAIHC needs help telling Congress to reauthorize NAHASDA. Contact your respective Congressional delegation and urge them to support the reauthorization provisions that are currently attached to the THUD Appropriations bill, which has a chance of being enacted into law this year.
Congress must pass the appropriations bill, and the Senate version already includes NAHASDA reauthorization provisions. Join fellow advocates and tell Congress to keep the NAHASDA language and pass the bill.
Join NAIHC’s Advocacy Network
The National American Indian Housing Council asks you to sign-up to join our Action Network. This will allow you to stay informed on issues that may directly affect you or your community. We will then contact you with relevant information around policy issues and occasionally ask you to contact your representative. This is your opportunity to become an advocate and take action on issues that matter to you!
NAIHC Annual Funders
Thank You to Our Annual Sponsors