This 2 Day Virtual Executive Director Training will provide a summary of the components of NAHASDA. Participants will have a clear understanding of IHA management and operations. It will help answer common questions regarding Recipient/Staff responsibilities and functions. It will also identify management options and administrative requirements for NAHASDA implementation. We will also discuss how to Navigate HUD resources. (Regulations and Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200).
Training Materials
Access materials using Google Chrome
APP 8-1 Record of Use Restrictions
APP 9-2 Indian Housing on Fee Land with Single Recovery Amount
APP 10-3 Indian Housing on Fee Land with Pro-rated Recovery Amount
APP 11-4 Trust Land with Single Recovery Amount
APP 12-5 Trust Land with Pro-rated Recovery Amount
APP 13-6 Indian Non-Housing on Fee Land with Single Recovery Amount
APP 14-7 FHA Loan Rider to NAHASDA Useful Life Use Restriction