San Manuel Band of Mission Indians donated funding for NAIHC to update and distribute Pathways Homebuyer Education Manuals to Pathways Home certified instructors to deliver comprehensive homebuyer education programs in tribal communities.
Please send request for Pathways Home manuals to Brian Mann, NAIHC Program Assistant, [email protected]
The request must include the following:
- Name of person requesting & their title
- Tribe/TDHE
- Shipping address
- Phone number
- Number of Participants
- Date of training
- Location of training
The maximum number of manuals per order is fifty (50).
Upon completion of the local training sessions, Instructors will send NAIHC the names and addresses of the individuals that successfully completed the Pathways Homebuyer course. NAIHC will issue and mail the training certificates.
Participants will be asked to participate in a voluntary evaluation of the course and survey to measure impact such as loan request made and closed, changes in budget and savings behavior, credit improvements, and homeownership plans.