National American Indian Housing Council
Request for Proposals
RFP Postings
Housing Specialist | NIWRC
Team: STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center Salary Range: $60,000-$70,000 Location: Position is Full-time, Exempt Position is: Permanent Temporary Position Overview: The STTARS Housing Specialist is responsible for assisting in the development and management of...
Auditing Services | UIHA
The Ute Indian Housing Authority (UIHA), Fort Duchesne, Utah intends to identify and select interested accounting/auditing firms that provide auditing services specifically for Indian Housing Authorities or Tribally Designated Housing Entities as defined in the...
Supportive Housing | Muckleshoot Housing Authority
INVITATION FOR BIDS The Muckleshoot Housing Authority is soliciting bids for the construction of a 50-unit supportive housing complex located at 38415 Auburn Enumclaw Rd SE. The intent is to enter into an agreement with a single general contractor for the work. The...
Yakama Nation Housing Authority | Low Income Housing Tax Credit Asset Management Services
Yakama Nation Housing Authority is soliciting for proposals pertaining to: Low Income Housing Tax Credit Asset Management Services. Individual, Firm or staff should have experience working with LIHTC, WSHFC and NAHASDA. Solicitation packet may be requested...
NAIHC | RFP for Graphic Design Services
Request for Proposal for Graphic Design Services Contact Information Host Organization: National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) Event Organizer: Dustin Baird, TTA Coordinator Key Contact Person: Dustin Baird Email: [email protected] Mobile Phone: Note:...
Quinault Housing Authority | RFP for HUD Part 58 Environmental Assessment Services
The Quinault Housing Authority (QHA) is the Tribally Determined Housing Entity (TDHE) for the Quinault Indian Nation (QIN). QHA’s service area is all of Grays Harbor and parts of Jefferson County Washington. QHA’s manages, maintains, modernizes and constructs housing...
Colville Indian Housing Authority | RFP for Financial Management Software
The Colville Indian Housing Authority (CIHA) is a federally recognized Tribally Designated Housing Entity, established under an ordinance of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, to engage in or assist in the development and operation of housing...
Quinault Housing Authority | RFP for Legal Services
The Quinault Housing Authority (“QHA”) is soliciting proposals for contracted services from law firms or independent attorneys interested in providing legal services. It is anticipated that the delivery of services under the contract will begin on. The contract will...
Santo Domingo Tribal Housing Authority | RFP for Auditing Services
Santo Domingo Tribal Housing Authority (SDTHA) is requesting proposals from qualified Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firms to conduct a programmatic and financial audit for the Domingo Limited Liability Limited Partnership (Domingo LLLP) Low Income Housing Tax...