National American Indian Housing Council

Completed – Oct 27-29 | Procurement & Contract Administration | HUD Virtual Training

Published: September 14, 2020
The training will encompass the requirements pursuant to NAHASDA and Procurement Standards per 2 CFR 200 and Indian Preference per Section 7(b) of the Indian Education and Self-Determination Act. The training will be delivered in six modules that cover: Introduction to Procurement in Indian Country; NAHASDA Procurement regulations and 2 CFR 200 Procurement Standards, Indian Preference, Methods of Procurement, Price and Cost Analysis and then delve into the Contract Administration function that will cover types of contracts, required contract clauses, labor standard prevailing wages, payroll certifications, procurement records management/retention, payments, warranty and project closeout. The training will also include sample exercises to get better understanding of principles and concepts of procurement requirements.

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