Provide training and guidance on best practices pertaining to methamphetamine remediation of affordable housing. Training will...
National American Indian Housing Council
Uncategorized Articles
Completed Apr 13-16 | NAHASDA Intermediate | Virtual Training
The purpose of this NAHASDA Intermediate training is to provide a deeper dive, emphasizing practical application, on a handful of...
Completed Apr 6-8 | Intermediate Financial Management | Virtual Training
NAIHC will host a three (3) day virtually delivered training on Intermediate Financial Management & Audit Preparation. The...
Completed Apr 8-9 | Board of Commissioners | Virtual Training
This two-day course is designed to develop the Board of Commissioner's knowledge of the federal rules and requirements related to...
Completed – Mar 23-25 | NAHASDA Essentials | Virtual Training
This training will provide attendees with a comprehensive introduction to NAHASDA. Participants will become familiar with all...
Completed – Mar 17-19 | ICDBG | Virtual Training
For nearly 40 years the Indian Community Development Block Grant has been the premier source of funding for community facilities,...
Completed – NAHASDA Intermediate | Training Materials
Training Materials Access using Google Chrome browser [button...
Completed – Mar 10-11 | Executive Directors | Virtual Training
The training will cover the key roles and responsibilities of Executive Directors of TDHEs or Tribal housing departments on the...
Completed – Mar 4-5 | 2 CFR Part 200 | Virtual Training
Provide an overview of the administrative and financial management requirements for the Indian Housing Block Grant pursuant to...
Completed – Mar 2-3 | Basic Financial Management | Virtual Training
This course covers the basic administrative requirements that pertain to the use of Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds...