The purpose of this NAHASDA Intermediate training is to provide a deeper dive, emphasizing practical application, on a handful of selected NAHASDA compliance topics for which recipients may often have more questions after a brief overview in a NAHASDA Essentials training. In this version of the training, some of the selected topics include: a review of the non-discrimination laws cited in NAHASDA including the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; selected topics and updates pertaining to the Uniform Administrative Requirements (2 CFR 200), including the application of internal controls as defined in 2 CFR 200.303; Total Development Costs (TDCs); “useful life” provisions, and other selected topics. The training will be combination of lecture, discussion and application exercises.
Training Materials
Access materials using Google Chrome browser
- Agenda
- PowerPoints
- ERR Level of Review
- Navigating NAHASDA
- Non Discrimination
- TDC Handouts
- Uniform Guidance
- URA Handouts
- Useful Life
Useful Life and Binding Commitments
FHA Loan Rider to NAHASDA Useful Life Use Restriction
Indian Housing on Fee Land with Pro-rated Recovery Amount
Indian Housing on Fee Land with Single Recovery Amount
Indian Non-Housing on Fee Land with Single Recovery Amount