This two part course will be divided into two weeks. A&O: July 28-29 and Housing Policy: August 4-5
This course will cover Admissions and Occupancy program management with topics to include the application and selection process, eligibility for housing assistance, calculating annual income, determining monthly rental or homeownership payments, occupancy standards, collections practices and compliance.
The Housing Policy will cover policy components, the purpose of policies, writing policies, and components of an A&O policy. Participants should refer to copies of their own Admissions and Occupancy policies so that they can practice applying them to the activities presented during this course. The course will also examine how maintaining high standards in the Admissions and Occupancy program affects the overall management of tribal housing programs.
↓ Course Materials ↓
→ Housing Policy downloadable PowerPoints and manual below. ←
→ Housing Policy downloadable handouts below ←
→ A&O downloadable PowerPoints and manual below. ←
→ A&O downloadable handouts below ←