National American Indian Housing Council

Completed – Nov 17-19 | Intermediate Financial Management | HUD Virtual Training

Published: October 22, 2020

NAIHC will host a Two (2) day virtually delivered training on Intermediate Financial Management & Audit Preparation. The training will deliver highlights of best practices to ensure that the management and accounting of the NAHASDA funds are being observed and practiced in accordance with the NAHASDA statute and regulations. Participants will be given resources and tools that the HUD/ONAP program recipients (Tribes and TDHEs) can utilize to employ best practices in the fiscal and internal control management of their IHBG funds, understand and put into practices generally accepted accounting principles (GGAP) for Government accounting and understand the tools and procedures to ensure audit readiness and preparedness for the annual audit of Financial Statements and Single Audit. The training will include a review of relevant sections of the 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Guidance on audit requirements, review of internal controls, expenditure compliance, financial record keeping, the latest OMB Compliance Supplement for the NAHASDA program, and Year-end closing processes.

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