National American Indian Housing Council

September 27-28 | HUD Virtual Training | IHP/APR

Published: August 23, 2023

The two-day virtual IHP/APR course will equip participants with a comprehensive overview of the statutory and regulatory requirements involved in developing and submitting Indian Housing Plans and Annual Performance Reports. The course will provide an in-depth analysis of the eligible activities permitted under NAHASDA, as well as how a TDHE should plan for and gather data to be included in their IHPs. Participants will also gain familiarity with the HUD IHP/APR forms and learn how to complete and submit them through EPIC or GEMS. This course is highly interactive, and participants will have time to ask questions and complete easy quizzes and exercises.

This course if offered free of charge to tribal housing professionals through a funding agreement between the NAIHC and the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs.


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